
Showing posts from September, 2017

How to grant access to your Gmail account by adding a delegate

If you own a Gmail account for a website with a number of members, your organization, or your own business, you may need to delegate one or more of your partners to access your Gmail account and handle mail. Today, we'll learn how to grant access to your Gmail account by adding one or more delegates. Where Google provides the advantage of adding commissioners to the e-mail to individuals and business owners and businesses. Tasks that the Commissioner may implement Send or reply to e-mail messages, and when they send a message, their e-mail address will appear instead of your e-mail. They can read messages sent to you, delete messages sent to you, and manage your contacts. The commissioners can not implement such things as: Chat with anyone on your behalf, change your Gmail password, or change your Gmail account settings To be able to add a person and grant access to mail you need these simple steps. Open your Gmail account from your desktop bec...